Business NameContact NameContact Email AddressWhat is the requested due date for the project?On what website will this content reside?What is the site's main focus and purpose?What type of content do you need? Blog Post Website Copy Bio/About Landing Page Email Copy Ebook/White Paper Other If other, what type of project is this?What type of project is this? Single Project Ongoing Project How many pieces do you need?How many words would you like per blog post (if applicable)?What is your budget for this project? Less than $1,000 $1,001 - $3,000 More than $3,001 Is this an ongoing blogging project?How would you like us to submit your content to you? As a Word Document Through Google Docs Through WordPress I Don't Know Other If other, how would you like us to submit your content to you?Will you provide titles/ideas for the content? Yes, I will provide titles/ideas No, Please create titles/ideas and I will approve them No, Please create titles/ideas and write the content No, But I'd like to be involved in creating titles/ideas What tone best fits your content? Formal Educational Humorous Laid-back Newsy Serious Friendly Promotional Other If other, what tone best fits your content?Briefly describe your target audience.Do you have any specific preferences for linking, formatting, image use, and/or headline creation?Please provide at least two examples that exemplify the type of content you prefer and why.If links are unavailble, please email samples to Do you have a call-to-action you would like included in the content? If so, please provide the call-to-action.Please provide any additional requirements or instructions you have. Δ