Core values are the guiding principles that dictate behavior and actions of an organization. When you think of core values, you probably think of plaques hanging in the lobby of a larger organization.
But core values aren’t just wall filler or company policy for big brands.
Core values are the mantras and missions that can drive any individual or mini-brand. All businesses and all people can benefit from having a list of core values because this list serves as guidance, inspiration, and identity.
Our core values remind us and tell others who we are and what we stand for. They help us stay on the right path, differentiate ourselves, and do work we believe in.
Creating core values was one of the first (and best) things I did when I started Simply Stated. Having these guidelines have helped me choose projects and partners. They helped me get through difficult times, stay true to who I am, and offered clarity, focus, and encouragement when I needed it.
So, I want to share those core values with you and encourage you to create your own list of identifiers that explain who you are or who your business is.
Do you have core values? Are you getting ready to create core values?
Let me know what process you are going through in the comments below.
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