I believe, “You are what you read.”
Books help us learn and grow. They have a profound impact on our thoughts and actions and shape the way we see the world.
Since books direct our habits and attitude — I wanted to know what entrepreneurs were reading to guide themselves.
I wanted to uncover the thoughts that were driving their successful businesses. So I reached out to a group of founders and asked them to share their favorite book for either personal, professional, or digital (online presence) development.
When looking at the list of solopreneur books, I saw some interesting themes.
- Mindset — A lot of entrepreneurs took the time to read books that motivated them to do more and do better.
- Simplicity — Multiple books on the list touched on the topic of simplifying and de-cluttering life.
- Spirituality & Creativity — Many founders were reading about improving their lives by cultivating happiness and connection.
This list of solopreneur books was provided by a group of people who are founders and indiepreneurs. They all started a business or career they are in control of, and these are the books that motivated them to take that leap and inspired them to keep going.
Big Magic
by Elizabeth Gilbert
“We all have creativity in us. It’s okay to be different, it’s okay not to act upon every creative project, and it’s okay to let go of fear and trust. I feel that every entrepreneur goes through these fears and we just need to embrace that we are enough, and there’s enough for everyone to share. We need to dare to be ourselves.”
Natalia Levey
Healthy Living Expert and Founder
Healthy Intent

War of Art
by Steven Pressfield
“War of Art was very influential. My goal has been to produce more writing and this book certainly speaks to me. The book is frank and to the point. It’s exactly what I need to hear!”
Dr. Amy Serafini
Postdoctoral Scholar and Founder
Serafini Consulting Services

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
by Greg McKeown
“We all struggle with information overload and comparison syndrome. It’s part of being and entrepreneur. Clearing out the clutter and focusing on the RIGHT thing for us is really the best use of our time and to accomplish our goals much quicker, and more efficiently.”
Kristie Keever
Brand Strategist and Founder
Freshly Stated

The E Myth Revisited
by Michael Gerber
“It’s about entrepreneurship and how to approach starting your own company. This book helped me take a step back and look at my business with fresh eyes. It’s easy to caught up in ‘I should be doing this or that.’ This book helps you see the business as a business and how to run it without you doing all the work.”
Tess Brigham
Marriage & Family Counselor, Life Coach, and Founder
Tess Brigham Coaching

Simplify: Ten Practices to Unclutter Your Soul
by Bill Hybels
“My favorite business book that I read in 2016 was Simplify. I appreciate the clarity that it gave me, when considering the current product suite that we offer to consumers, as well as direction on what other projects to pursue and the role they would play in the marketplace.”
Erin Chase
Digital Entrepreneur and Founder
$5 Dinners

The Consulting Bible
by Alan Weiss
“Hands down, best book I’ve read this year was The Consulting Bible by Alan Weiss. Completely changed the way I think about what I do, how I structure my offerings and my business, and how I approach money. I’ve read it twice and recommended it to everyone I know who owns a business.”
Chris Cooper
Content Strategist and Founder
Real Good Writing

Living With Joy
by Sanaya Roman
“I didn’t read any business books in 2016. It was all about fun and personal growth. I loved Living With Joy.”
Sally Hope
Life Coach and Founder
Sally Hope & Wildheart Revolution

The Celestine Prophecy
by James Redfield
“Just all around great book. The author writes the information into a story but the concepts and theories are extremely useful in life all around. How it applies to manifesting gratitude, changing our attitudes and perspectives about life, and how we can practice healthy non-attachment to individuals and materialistic things to create a happier life.”
Dr. Yvonka De Ridder, PhD
Therapist and Founder
Loving Life Today

Big Magic
by Elizabeth Gilbert
“As a creativity coach this book served me well in both personal and professional development arenas. My calling is to help women break through the blocks of fear, perfectionism, procrastination, overwhelm and inner critic voices so they can experience confidence, resilience and joy via personal creative exploration and expression. The inspiring and motivating stories shared within Big Magic were the ideal companion and jumping off point to share my creative coaching with women looking to do just that.”
Jill Allison Bryan
Creative Coach and Founder
Creative Oasis Coaching

The 12 Week Year
by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington
“The best book I read in 2016 was The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months. It helped me get the first draft of my first book written in just three months! I love the system and plan to apply it to other big projects in the future.”
Pamela Wilson
VP of Education Content, Rainmaker Digital
Founder, Big Brand System

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
by Greg McKeown
“I think the best development book I read this year was Essentialism. I think it’s the movement I’ve been looking for all my life! Not minimalism but, as the author puts it, ‘the disciplined pursuit of less but better.’ “
Lacy Boggs
Writer, Founder
The Content Direction Agency
The Indie Career Starter Guide
A Guide For New Solopreneurs
Find out how you can catapult yourself into becoming a full-time solopreneur this year. Get this free 30-page guide that shows you how to take control over your career and start doing work you care about.
The Magic Art Of Tidying Up
by Marie Kondo
“The most transformational book I read in 2016 was The Magic Art Of Tidying Up. The approach in this book allowed me to rid myself of the excess clutter/chaos in my life both physically and spiritually. I had to make room for receiving growth in my personal and business life. After completing this book I met the love of my life (just closed on our new house), grew my travel businesses, I’m redesigning the motivational site badassbliss.com with an online Acadamy that will launch in 2017, and I’m ending the year with a month in Europe. I owe it all to this book.”
Gabrielle Carsala
Coach and Founder
Bad Ass Bliss

Hardwiring Happiness
by Rick Hanson
“I read this book during a trip to Aruba while recharging on powdery white sand. It left such an impression on me. Its teachings showed me the importance of not staying in a negative mindset after something doesn’t go as planned. The benefits of moving on and staying in a positive mindset are exponential as an entrepreneur.”
Chelsea Bond
Jewelry Maker and Founder
Chelsea Bond Jewelry

Hillbilly Elegy
by JD Vance
“I’d have to say the one that stuck with me the most was Hillbilly Elegy by JD Vance. I say it’s the ‘best’ because it really gives context for the political nightma— I mean, climate, we’re living in right now ;). Seriously though, regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, it’s an eye opener to a kind of upbringing most of us have never known, and bridges the gap between the left and right in an elegant but authentic way. I really enjoyed it still find myself talking about it to other people weeks after I’ve finished it.”
Erin Motz
Yoga Teacher and Co-Founder
Bad Yogi

By Bob Burg and John David Mann
“There were some great business books on my shelf this year, but this one spoke to me on a personal and professional level. It’s not a hard book to read, but there are some great lessons in the parable told by the authors. So many people talk these days about value… giving value, adding value, over-delivering with value… but I love how this book pairs The Law of Value, with foud additional “laws” that really complete the circle. Yes – giving value is essential, but it only really leads to true success when you pair it with impact (how many people are you able to serve), influence (how much you value others’ interests), authenticity (giving of yourself) and receptivity (be open to receiving so others may give).”
Mary Czarnecki
Online Marketing and Branding Strategist and Founder

The Big Leap
by Gay Hendricks
“This book delves into the ‘Upper Limit Problem’ that we all face in our lives – conversations and beliefs that we have about ourselves that keep us stuck and unable to reach that next level of abundance, love, and success. I had so many golden nugget, ah-ha moments (in all areas of my life). I felt joy, I felt relief, and I felt like I had a pathway into creating a life around my values and unique abilities.”
Cara Chace
Social Media Strategist and Founder
Chace Digital, LLC

Long Story Short
by Margot Leitman
“It’s about how to tell honest, captivating, compelling stories, which we all have to do at times, no matter what we do professionally. So her book is a cross between a memoir and a workbook, with really easy to execute idea-starters that help you discover your own compelling stories from your own life, even if you tend to think your life is bland and boring.”
Paige Marrs, PhD
Coach and Founder
Marrs-Group Consulting and Coaching

The Originals
by Adam Grant
“It transformed the way I think about creativity, and what it takes to produce really great work. As a result, I’ve got lots of ideas about how to level up on what I publish for my own business. In addition to the content, I also really appreciated how he seamlessly weaved together scientific research with stories to hammer home the points, in an entertaining way. Great book on multiple levels!”
Sonia Thompson
Business and Content Marketing Strategist and Founder
TRY Business School

The Story Grid
by Shawn Coyne
“I have been laboring through writing a fiction book, rather than my familiar – to me – nonfiction books, for at least two years. An editor and a few beta readers gave me some ideas of what they thought it needed, but I had no idea where to start to fix it until I got this book. I am sure it confirms that I am a nerd, but seriously, for me, this has been a godsend.”
Beca Lewis
Author, Podcast Host, Coach, and Founder
Shifting the Story

Free: The Future of a Radical Price
by Chris Anderson
Chad Butler
Developer and Founder
Rocket Geek Interactive

by Sally Hogshead
“I found that it gave me permission to be myself. Development of my personal brand has been an exercise in presenting a great front. A common mantra in online marketing is to ‘be your authentic self’ but I began to really understood the implications of this after reading Sally’s book. The key message I took was that I have specific qualities that attract people to me (as a person and therefore to my business). Rather than demonstrating the edited version of the person I think potential clients want to work with, I gain more from understanding and revelling in the qualities they already love best about me. It was a tremendous weight off, especially as I already know people choose my copywriting course because of the engagement with me (not just access to the content). It was permission to be more of me, not less.”
Belinda Weaver
Copywriter, Podcast Host, and Founder
Copywrite Matters

by Geoff Smart
“This book teaches you exactly how to stop trying to solve the ‘What?’ problem in your business, and focus on the ‘Who?’ – which is often the real problem.”
Trivinia Barber
Virtual Assistant and Co-Founder
Priority VA

Profit First
by Mike Mickalowicz
“This have been a ‘business changer’ for me and is a perfect read for any business owner, entrepreneur or intrepreneur employee that wants to make a difference! It’s filled with practical day-to-day solutions for helping to save money, trim the fat, make the tough decisions to truly turn a profit in your business.”
Teri Johnson
Author and Coach
Keeping It Personal

Your Erroneous Zones
by Dr. Wayne Dyer
“As a business owner, it’s so important to be in tune with your own emotions. This book breaks down your emotional patterns and creates an awareness that you need as a human living here on earth, especially as a business owner.”
Lindsay Marino
Psychic Medium and Founder
Lindsay Marino, LLC

by Sophia Amoruso
“I enjoyed this book quite a bit because it combined personal and professional development in addition to witty humor. I also felt motivated after reading #GIRLBOSS! It was like I could do anything, and as long as I put my mind to it I can make my dream happen. Overall, this is an awesome read for motivation, a good laugh, and mood boost.”
Kate Higgans
Fitness Expert and Founder
Fitgevity Solutions

Playing Big
by Tara Mohr
“Getting out of my own way has been the biggest obstacle in my business for years. Tara Mohr’s book ‘Playing Big’ taught me to listen to the stronger, positive voice of my Inner Mentor, over the negative critic, and make the changes needed in my mindset to increase not only my revenue but how I feel overall about being a female entrepreneur. I plan on reading it again to kick off 2017.”
Krayl Funch
Designer, Author, and Founder
Krayl Funch

Simple Rules: How to Thrive In a Complex World
by Donald Sull
“I loved it because I am one of those hyper-creative types. My brain just has this tendency for connecting the dots, which can be great because I see opportunities everywhere. But the downside is that sometimes I overcomplicate things or ideas start to snowball. Simple Rules gave awesome, actionable examples of how applying the simple rules process can make decision-making process so much simpler. It’s definitely a must-read for busy entrepreneurs who want to streamline their decisions.”
Katelyn Bourgoin
Founder & CEO
Vendeve and Squads

War of Art
by Steven Pressfield
“I found Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art less of a book I’m reading and more of an outline enabling me to have a conversation with myself. Understanding resistance has opened my eyes and allows me to get over myself, seeing things clearly and concisely.”
Maher El-Abdallah
Human Resource Expert and Partner
Covalence, Inc.

Conscious Capitalism
by John Mackey and Raj Sisodia
“This book completely aligns with my view and vision of the ‘Future @ Work.’ It aligns business with the stakeholder model. Successful businesses of the future will do the right things for all their stakeholders.”
Michele Norris
Generational Consultant and Founder
Navigen Leadership

Born For This
by Chris Guillebeau
“I believe people are happier when doing work they care about. So one of my favorite solopreneur books is Born For This, because it speaks directly to that. It talks about how important it is to follow signs and paths in your life that will lead you to be able to do work that matters to you, and ultimately do better work because of it.”
Raubi Perilli
Digital Marketing Consultant and Founder
Simply Stated Media
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Thanks so much for compiling this list. I have just ordered three of the books as there were many insightful recommendations!
Thanks for being the rock star that you are!
Happy to hear it Michele! I know my reading list got so much longer when I put this post together. So many good books!
And thanks again for contributing to the list!
Raubi – thanks so much for including me in this post! It’s a stellar list of books, and like you my reading list just got a whole heck of a lot longer too. 🙂
This post is beautiful too BTW 🙂
Thanks for contributing Sonia!
I already took up your suggestion and got Originals. I’m loving it. I’m so happy the holidays will give me some downtime so I can dig into it!